- Ill effects of blow to head
- Disappointed love
- Homesick
- Psoric children
- Prone to brain trouble
- During dentition, brain troubles
- Slow in answering
- Involuntary sighing
- Staring as if lost in thoughts.
- Very chilly, cannot be covered enough
- < 4-8pm, thinking of complaints
- Stupor
- Child nurses greedily
- Melancholy/ sadness
- In young girls
- When menses fail to return
- Menses appear and do not return in young girls
- Staggering walk, muscles refuse their office (when attention diverted from the work she is doing, she faulters)
- Automatic motion of one hand and leg
- Dropsical
- Hydrocephalous
- All parts are swollen and dropsical
- Post scarlatina dropsy
- Dropsy with fever, debility and suppressed urine
- A dark remedy
- Sooty nostrils
- Dusky face
- Dusky lips
- Dark hands
- Headache, severe, bore head in the pillow or moves it from side to side
- Photophobia
- Chewing motion of mouth
- Voracious appetite
- Sudden screams in sleep.
- Cri encephalique. Cannot be fully aroused.
- Breathing better lying down
- Boring pains in parts that cover the bone
Aude Sapere
Shivangi Jain