(Caladium belongs to Arum family of plants which irritate skin and mucous membranes intensely)
- Very sensitive to noise, startling from least noise in sleep (NUX VOM, ARUM TRY, TAREN HIS)
- Afraid of his own shadow
- Lascivious, Ogles at women in street
- Wants to lie down all the time
- Dread of motion
- Effects of masturbation
- Averse to medicine
- Very careful about his health, apprehensive.
- Sexual organs, male
- Impotence with depression
- Impotence with excitability but relaxed penis (LYCO, SELE)
- No orgasm even after caresses (CALCAREA, SELE)
- Sweat on genitilia
- Flaccid organs, glans like rags
- Prepuce loses its contractility and remains retracted after coition
- Female
- Pruritis vaginae
- Pregnancy, during
- Causes, orgasm (ORIG, ZINC)
- From pinworms
- Pruritis vaginae
- Skin
- Mosquito bites itch too much
- Urticarial eruptions
- Sweat is sweet which attracts flies
- Thirstless, can only tolerate warm drinks
- Fever
- Fever during sleep, ceases when wakes up
- General > from sweating and short nap (nux vom)
- CALADIUM destroys craving for tobacco
- Restless, cannot control himself after smoking.
- Headaches and mental states of smokers
- Headache with pain in shoulder and neck and throbbing in ear < noises
- Sighing respiration
- Fears going to sleep
(Think of a person who masturbates, is addicted to tobacco smoking and is lazy and wants to be in bed all the time. Smoking makes him restless yet he cannot leave it. His desires are many but he’s not able to perform. He startles easily at every noise. He’s very apprehensive and careful about his health but is averse to take medicine. The female has voluptuous itching in perineum. The skin is sensitive, with violent itching in insect bites.)
Aude Sapere
Shivangi Jain