A case of diarrhoea treated with GAMBOGIA showing the importance of Concomitant Symptom (Homeopathy)

This is a case of 33 yr old female who presented with diarrhoea for 3 days standing. She went 4-5 times every day. It was gushing in nature and she had to run to the bathroom every time she felt the urge to pass motion. She had travelled previously, so a GIT infection was suspected and Ars Alb was given without relief. 3 days later she came with no amelioration in her complaints. Her appetite, thirst and other generals were unchanged. At this juncture, it was noticed that her eyes were slightly red. On questioning it was found that also developed eye itching and some coryza along with GIT upset which she failed to reveal in the previous visit. She was given a dose of GAMBOGIA 200. She was given another dose to keep, to be taken only if another watery stool is passed. A follow up 3 days later showed that the need for a second dose did not arise.


There are many medicines that can be used in cases of acute diarrhoea with, similar nature of complaints. It is here that the concomitants help us to differentiate one remedy from another. GAMBOGIA has diarrhoea with similar nature to many other medicines (Gratiola, Croton Tig etc, to name a few) but none have an accompanying eye itching (Boger Synoptic Key).

Aude Sapere

Shivangi Jain

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