
A Case of Asthma Treated with CAL CARB (Homeopathy)

A child aged 9 yr presented with a diagnosis of asthma. He was on inhalers since childhood and was nebulized from time to time depending on severity, which was frequent. He had a recurrent tendency to catch a cold which invariably aggravated his asthma. He was chubby in appearance (if it was natural or because it was from prolonged use of steroids, was not known). During case taking, the mother reported profuse head perspiration at night, which would wet the pillow. On further inquiry he was found to crave eggs. He was given CAL CARB 1m one dose, to be taken and given another dose to be repeated after 15 days, if no change. The first dose did not do anything. The reaction came only after the second dose, the consequence of which his breathing became better and his inhaler use was reduced during the following month. The mother reported no need for any nebulization following medicine. The inhaler was to be reduced further but the child was afraid of relapse and another attack, therefore was not reducing it further. The parents were advised to take it slow and keep the inhaler within reach so as to support the child psychologically, till he became more confident of his health. Xantene was added in frequent repetition. 6 months later he was much better and almost free of asthma.


A child with egg craving and profuse head sweat, who is cherubic, needs CAL CARB (much perspiration, wets the pillow, craving for eggs (Allen’s Key Notes). Probably if a higher potency was given, the need for repetition could have been avoided.

Aude Sapere

Shivangi Jain

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A Case Of Ganglion Of Wrist treated With RUTA GRAV (Homeopathy)

A 25 yr old male came with a 2-inch diameter ganglion on dorsum of left wrist. There was no history of injury or any other reason for the ailment (i.e no precipitating cause). He had a wart like eruption on the foot, near left big toe. He was given RUTA 1m / 3 doses to be taken 10 days apart. A follow up 3 months later revealed that the wart like eruption fell off one morning leaving a scar which healed completely and ganglion becoming progressively smaller till date.


Ruta graveolens is a very common remedy to treat ganglion like condition of wrist. It was chosen in this case not only for this reason but also because the patient had a wart like eruption on the foot, which became an important concomitant. {flat warts (Boger Synoptic Key)}

Aude Sapere

Shivangi Jain

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Case of post Covid rheumatism treated with ABROTANUM (homeopathy)

A 7 yr old child complained of pain in the ankles, after suffering from covid a month back. He had lost some weight after the acute illness but had a good appetite. A dose of Abrotanum 6 was prescribed. A week later the mother reported no more pain in the ankles.


Sequalae in post influenza/ viral type illness {weakness remaining after influenza- abrot/ con/ kali phos/ nat-sal (Phatak repertory)} can have various manifestations. This child had rheumatism-like symptoms, post-illness, only in the lower part of the body (lower part affection). Hence Abrotanum was chosen (cause and effect).

Aude Sapere

Shivangi Jain

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A case of TUBAL BLOCKAGE and HYDROSALPINX treated with homeopathy

A 23 yr old married female had a bad obstetric history. She had a H/o IUD
(intrauterine death of fetus), and an infant death at 2 months. The cause of any
of these accidents was not known as the lady hailed from a village with very
limited medical access. She came to Bangalore recently and underwent some
tests at the suggestion of a gynecologist. She came with a report of right tubal
blockage and left-sided hydrosalpinx revealed in a hysterosalpingogram. As she
was trying for another pregnancy it was paramount to resolve this condition
first, while at the same time trying to find the reasons for her previous losses.
She was extremely stressed due to familial pressure. A dose of THYROIDINUM
10m was administered on Sept 21. She responded well to the medicine. 2 months
later she was given a dose of TUBERCULINUM 1m. An HSG scan 4 months later in
Jan 22 showed both tubes patent and grossly normal. The patient did not come
for further follow-up. The reason for her bad obs history was also not revealed.

This case threw a challenge as the patient did not divulge many symptoms. She
was given Thyroidinum on the basis of the severe stress she was under and her
previous pregnancy-related complications. Tuberculinum prescription was
based purely on experience in such cases where it follows Thyroidinum well.

Aude Sapere

Shivangi Jain

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Case of post vaccination cough and fever treated with SILICEA (homeopathy)

Case of post vaccination cough and fever treated with SILICEA (homeopathy)

A 15 year old child received covid vaccination a month and a half back. He started suffering from evening temperature rise and an irritant productive cough which was preventing sleep. He also used to develop vesicular itchy eruptions every summer in his palms and feet for last 4-5 yrs, which came back after vaccination, in winter, for the first time. His hands and feet perspired profusely and toes will develop sores on prolonged use of shoes. He was given Silicea 200 one dose and was asked to report after a week. The mother reported an immediate decline and then relief in a day, in cough. he no more suffered from evening rise of temperature. He was kept on placebo for another month. The reaction to next dose of vaccination is yet to be seen.


This is an interesting case as generally when the person is suffering from a chronic ailment (he has had sweating palms and feet with summer appearance of vesicular eruptions), the exciting cause calls for an acute remedy. In this case even after an exciting cause(vaccination), the indications of remedy remained same (productive cough and fever after vaccination). Silicea settled the case.

Aude Sapere

Shivangi Jain

Download a pdf copy of the case below.

A case of bedsores/ pressure sores treated with PAEONIA (homeopathy)

This was a case of old lady 87 yrs with multiple comorbidities who was under my
treatment for various troubles that she was facing from time to time despite her
conventional treatment. She was bedridden and developed bed sores. I had not
seen the patient; it was her son who spoke to me and showed the pictures of
herlesions. Apart from bedsores the lesions were also in the non-pressure areas.
The distribution of these ulcers was mainly in lower part of the body. Paeonia
30/bid for a week was prescribed. A week later the ulcers were much better and
were almost healed. The medicine was stopped immediately.

There are many medicines for bedsores/ pressure sores. Paeonia however has
ulcer distribution mainly in the lower part {chronic ulcers on lower parts of body,
leg, foot, toe, also breast, rectum. Ulcers in general, from pressure, bedsores, etc.
(Boericke Materia Medica)}.

Aude Sapere

Shivangi Jain

Download the pdf version of the case below.

A case of Autism Spectrum Disorder treated with TUBERCULINUM

I feel a sense of pleasure writing about his case. Today I received this child, now 8 yrs in age, whom I had first seen when he was 4yr old. The parents came with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, labelled by a highly prestigious institute, where he also had been evaluated on various parameters. The child had learning difficulties, delayed developmental milestones, and was very aggressive and restless. The child was speaking single words barely, he had no eye contact and had no control over urination even at night. The bowels were severely constipated. He desired cold drinks, which he would ask using sign language. The mother had been treated for tuberculosis just before her pregnancy. Tuberculinum 10m 1 dose was administered. During the next few months, he gradually started making eye contact, started speaking two letter sentences, and calmed down remarkably. For acute complaints he was given various short acting medicines in between. By the time he was 5 and 1/2yrs old, the father admitted him in a regular 1st standard despite advice otherwise, he nevertheless coped decently in his class and was compatible with peers. He was given cal phos 1m, 1 dose at this point for some headaches that he complaint.  Further follow up was lost for 2 yrs due to coronavirus pandemic. When the child turned up in OPD today, not only did he greet confidently, he shared his new found interests with me. There is still a stammer in the voice and the child is finding languages (he is learning 3 languages simultaneously in school) difficult to pick up. He, however has a keen analytical mind, is very good in mathematics and has highly developed analytical thinking (according to the father he is able to solve puzzles which he himself cannot solve). There have been few advices given to parents related to his academics, and furthering his interests in computers and mathematics. Notwithstanding, it was a delight to meet the child and marvel at the science of homeopathy, something which we haven’t been able to still figure out as to how it works. Is it a gene expression modulation!!


A history of tuberculosis, delayed and disharmonized development, great desire for cold drinks were few of natural indications for Tuberculinum. It has not completed the whole cure but did definitely nudged the development in right direction. The child still needs treatment and lot of supportive therapies but he has come a long way from where we started.

Aude Sapere

Shivangi Jain

Download the pdf version of the file below.

A case of cough treated with BADIAGA

A 65 yr old male with hypothyroidism came with complaint of cough for last 15 days. He was not able to describe the cough in any manner. No modality, no character was described. He had covid 20 days back for which he took allopathic treatment. After lot of questioning, he mentioned that that phlegm flew out of his mouth every time he coughed. On this limited detail Badiaga 30/ 3 doses /od were given, with instruction to stop medicine as soon as amelioration sets in. He was asked to come after 3 days for follow. After 3 days he reported that he took all the 3 doses but felt much better after the first day itself. He was given placebo for another week with complete resolution of cough.


The prescription in this case was done on very limited information provided by patient. That information however was very characteristic of the medicine (mucus flying from mouth and nose on coughing). The patient should have stopped the medicine after 1st dose as it gave relief, but sometimes this does not happen in practice and he took all the 3 doses. Luckily the later doses did not do much harm. (Repetition of dose when none is needed can spoil the case).

Aude Sapere

Shivangi Jain

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A case of Acute Conjunctivitis treated with ACONITE

57 yr old male with no comorbidity came with severe conjunctivitis of left eye. It started suddenly after riding a bike. He was given aconite 200 4 pills 2 times a day for 3 days.


Sudden onset, severe inflammation and complaint starting after exposure to cold air(causation) led to the prescription of aconite, with complete resolution of the inflammation in 3 days.

Aude Sapere

Shivangi Jain

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A Case of Acute Stomach Pain Treated With BRYONIA

A mother contacted over phone for her 3 yr old child who was crying for last 1 hour continuously for no apparent reason. The child had no fever, no cold, cough or any other complaint. There was no problem on urination and child had passed motion previous day. Thirst was normal. When questioned the child was holding stomach and was sitting on couch. When the mother tried to carry the child, she refused to be moved. On this basis Bryonia 200 one dose was given to child. Within 2 min the child stopped crying, became comfortable and started playing.


The child was probably having a colic. We generally think of colocynth, mag phos, cham etc in such cases. I too thought of them. However, the modality that the child did not want to be moved and was sitting still, led to the prescription of Bryonia (motion agg).

Aude Sapere

Shivangi Jain

Download the pdf version of the case below.