Piles are swollen or thrombosed blood vessels inside or outside anus.

Internal piles are generally bleeding in nature and are painless, with patient complaining of drops of blood during stools.

External piles are painful and feel like a swelling or a bunch of nodules. They are generally non bleeding. External piles are felt as swelling outside the anus and are tender to touch as they may be thrombosed, this may cause spasm of anus causing retention of stools and increasing their bulk and hence exacerbating the problem by entering a vicious cycle.

Sentinel pile is actually a dead skin tag that hangs out after been torn from the rectal mucosal lining.

Othe symptoms of haemorrhoids may be

  • Itching around anus.
  • Feeling of lump in anus while sitting.
  • Feeling something hanging.
  • Pain as if something was sticking inside anus or like a thorn stuck there.


  • Sedentary life style- long sitting hours either due to work or habit may predispose a person to develop piles.
  • Eating non healthy and processed food.
  • Conditions that increase intrabdominal pressure such as Pregnancy.
  • Obesity.
  • Medication causing constipation
  • Compromised liver etc.


Dietary fibres are important part of a balanced diet.

They give bulk to the stool and ensures gut health by enhancing growth of beneficial flora, promotes gut movement and binds toxins.

Lack of fibre in the diet causes constipation, which in turn pushes the person to apply pressure during stools.

A chronic tendency of such habit can cause both external and internal piles.


A sedentary habit also promotes the development of piles.

Exercises ensures a regular bowel movement and helps in preventing constipation, which prevents pile affection.


  • Homeopathic Medicine

Homoeopathic medicine given internally, suitable to patient depending on symptoms and cause treats haemorrhoids in no time.

Medicines to tackle acute pain and bleeding can be AESCULUS HIP, ALOE SOCO, PEONIA, RATAHNIA, HAMAMELIS, CALCAREAN FLUOR etc, depending on symptoms.

Treatment of long-standing haemorrhoids require constitutional treatments based on a detailed case taking.

  • Ointments

Use of local ointments expediates the process of healing. Ointments generally used are AESCULUS OINTMENT, HAMAMELIS OINTMENT etc.

  • Sitz bath

Patients are advised to sit in hot water bath with buttocks submerged with or without medication (medication like CALENDULA Q, PLANTAGO Q etc). this soothes the pain and reduces spasm.

  • Diet and exercise are two very important factors in both prevention and treatment of piles. A fibre rich diet and regular exercise eases bowel movement and helps in healing of haemorrhoids.

Aude Sapere

Shivangi Jain